Sunday, June 14, 2009

Islamophobia or paranoia?

When I was in Hong Kong recently, I had the opportunity to visit one of Muslim restaurant in Kowloon. The restaurant serves authentic Beijing style food. The food taste good and it is reasonably priced. The owner showed me a photo of him together with a Malaysian celebrity. It seems that the photo is supposed to allay any fear in me on the ‘halalness’ of the food. After the light of Islam had reached China earlier than the Malay Peninsula, the restaurant seems felt obliged to prove his credibility to me. It is amazing that the restaurant can strive in a ‘non Muslim dominated country’.

Just a few days before, I was ‘detained’ at a foreign immigration station (not Malaysian). There is no serious incident, and I was released few minutes later. It seems that my name is similar to someone. I didn’t bother to ask who. Is the name Muhamad Shahrin bin Hashim is similar to any terrorist suspect? I share the name ‘Muhamad’ with millions others in this planet. I guess if there are 100 Muhamad at that airport that day, all of us will share the same fate.

‘Islamiphobia’ or sheer paranoia?

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