Monday, September 7, 2009

Rural folk in interior Sarawak claim many pledges not made good

If this is true, it will bean example of bad governance. To give a promise 5 years ago and still unable to deliver, one may say that it is better not to promise at all.

In corporate world, if you can't deliver your target, the shareholder may want to change the management. Bring in a dynamic management to turn around the company.

Perhaps there are some development in the area. However, if we want to change the way they live, by being less dependant on the forest, we need to create jobs...amplitude of jobs to support the growing needs.

The development must be holistic or else it will be a hollow development. I recalled an except in the Hollowman by TS Elliot, 'shape without form, shade without color, paralysed force, gesture without motion'.

Rural folk in interior Sarawak claim many pledges not made good

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